Σάββατο 27 Αυγούστου 2016

Iron Maiden - A Matter Of Life And Death

Σαν σήμερα, ακριβώς μια δεκαετία πριν, 28 Αυγούστου 2006, οι πανμέγιστοι άρχοντες της Heavy Metal, Iron Maiden, κυκλοφόρησαν τον 14ο δίσκο τους, με τίτλο 'A Matter Of life And Death'

Όταν κάπου αναφέρεται ο δίσκος - είτε σαν A Matter Of Life And Death, είτε σαν AMOLAD -  πάντα μου έρχεται στο μυαλό ένα βράδυ - βασικά ξημερώματα - που χτύπησε το κινητό μου με εισερχόμενο μήνυμα απο τον κολλητό μου...

"Είναι ζήτημα ζωής και θανάτου..."

το βλέπω με μισάνοιχτο μάτι και πετάγομαι σαν να με χτύπησε ηλεκτροσόκ...

Αρχίζω να παίρνω τηλέφωνο...

Μια... δυο... τρεις... 

Δεν το σηκώνει...

Στέλνω μήνυμα....

"Τι έγινε ρε μαλάκα... τι έπαθες;;"

καμία απάντηση....

Μου έχει φύγει ο ύπνος... ανοίγω το pc να ψάξω να βρω καμιά είδηση μήπως έγινε τίποτα στην Θεσσαλονίκη - γιατί εκείνη την περίοδο ήμουν εκτός πόλης - τίποτα...

Περνάνε οι ώρες... 

Εμένα με έχει φάει μια αγωνία... 

Έχει ξημερώσει...

Κουτουλάω, είμαι έτοιμος για ύπνο...

Χτυπάει μήνυμα...

"Ελα ρε μαλάκα, ο νεος δίσκος των Maiden θα λέγεται έτσι"





Up The Iron's! mate


1. Different Worlds
2. These Colors Don't Run
3. Brighter Than A Thousand Suns
4. The Pilgrim
5. The Longest Day
6. Out Of The Shadows
7. The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg
8. For The Greater Good Of God
9. Lord Of Light
10. The Legacy


Bruce Dickinson - φωνη

Steve Harris - μπασο

Adrian Smith - κιθαρα

Dave Murray - κιθαρα

Janick Gers - κιθαρα

Nicko McBrain - κιθαρα

Διαμάντια του δίσκου:

For The Greater Good Of God , The Legacy


Different Worlds

Εξώφυλλο: 9/10

Παραγωγή: 8/10

Δίσκος: 9/10


Το άλμπουμ έχει ως κύριο θέμα τον πόλεμο περνάει λίγο απο μεταφυσικό και μας δίνει τόνους τροφής για σκέψη περι θρησκείας...

Ας τα πάρουμε ένα-ενα

Different Worlds...

Το Different Worlds ήταν το πρώτο single και - οπως εδώ και μερικούς δίσκους- είναι απλά ενα filler... μια προσπάθεια για mainstream...
Αλλά παρ'ολα αυτά, έχει πολύ νόημα στους στίχους του...
Μιλά για κάποιον νεαρό ο οποίος έχει στρώσει κάπως την ζωή του (καριέρα) αλλά του έρχεται κλήση για να πάει στον πόλεμο. Εκεί βλέπει διαφορετικά τα απλά και καθημερινά πράγματα και αναθεωρεί την ζωή του. 
ΥΓ Αθλιο βίντεο.....

These Colors Don't Run

Και αυτό το τραγούδι - είναι πλεον ξεκάθαρο - οτι μιλάει για τον πόλεμο, αλλα με μια άλλη ματιά απ'οτι στο προηγούμενο... 

Εδώ μιλά καθαρά για τους - θα τολμήσω να πω - για τους μισθοφόρους στρατιώτες... (For the passion, for the glory For the memories for the money)
Όμως, όταν μιλάμε για πόλεμο, μιλάμε και για θάνατο και αναφέρεται στο πόσο nihilism είναι ο πόλεμος, αλλά και με ένα super-duper Αγγλικό μαυρο χιούμορ περιγράφει τελικά τι κερδίζουμε απο όλο αυτό... (Paying for my freedom with your Lonely unmarked graves)

Brighter Than A Thousand Suns

Σε αυτό το τραγούδι η αναφορά γίνεται για το manhattan project και την ατομική βόμβα και ολα τα καλούδια που αυτή φέρνει, αλλα και το πόσο αλαζόνας γίνεται ο άνθρωπος όταν το παίζει Θεος (ποιός;;;)

The Pilgrim

Για τον προσκυνητή μάλλον αναφέρεται στις Σταυροφορίες και πως "η Χριστιανοσύνη έφερε το τέλος στον Μεσαίωνα" ( Αγγλικό χιούμορ η οχι; )

The Longest Day

Ακόμα μια αναφορά σε πολεμικά γεγονότα και συγκεκριμένα στην απόβαση της Νορμανδίας ( D-Day )

Ενα απο τα πολύ δυνατά μηνύματα τους σε αυτό το τραγούδι είναι αυτό ( These wretched souls puking, shaking fear To take a bullet for those who sent them here )

Out In The Shadows

Εδώ κάνουμε μια πάυση απο την θεματολογία του πολέμου και αναφερόμαστε σε ολίγον μεταφυσικό... Μιλάμε για τον θάνατο και την ανα-γέννηση ( όχι  της Καρδίτσας αστείε )

The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg

Συνεχίζουμε με τα "μεταφυσικά"...

Η "επίσημη ιστορία" αναφέρει πως ο BB είναι ενας καλλιτέχνης ( βλ. ζωγράφος ) και πως ενω λένε οτι οι πινάκες του ήταν εξαιρετικοί κανείς δεν σώθηκε... (λένε)

Αλλοι λένε ότι ο BB ήταν ενας στρατιωτικός και φέρει να ευθύνεται για τον θάνατο πολλών ανθρώπων με αποτέλεσμα να το έχει βάρος σε όλη του (ολες του) την ζωή (ζωές)

Αλλοι λένε οτι το τραγούδι αναφέρεται για την mascot του συγκροτηματος Eddie...

Όπως και να έχει το τραγούδι λίγο ήθελε (κυριως του story behind the song) να γίνει αυτό το filler, αλλα το σώζει το σημείο μετα το 4:30

For The Greater Good Of God

Εδώ μιλάμε για ΤΟ έπος...

Θεματολογικά μιλά για τον άνθρωπο που όταν γίνεται φανατικός μιας θρησκείας, αυτόματα γίνεται ενας επικίνδυνος "άνθρωπος" για όλο τον κόσμο...

Πόσοι πόλεμοι έχουν ξεκινήσει απο φανατικούς θρησκολάγνους ένθεν κι ένθεν...

Οι στίχοι γαμάνε απο την αρχή ως το τέλος (όσες φορές κι αν πει το refrain)

Και λίγο πριν προχωρήσουμε στο επόμενο τραγούδι, θα ήθελα πραγματικά να σου κάνω τις εξής ερωτήσεις, να πάρεις τον χρόνο σου να το σκεφτείς, να δώσεις μια απάντηση στον εαυτό σου και μετά συνεχίζεις και στην επόμενη... (μην το παρεις σερι... αλήθεια.. δωσε λίγα δευτερόλεπτα να το σκεφτείς)

1η ερώτηση: Τι ειναι η ζωή;

2η ερώτηση: Τι είναι η αγάπη;

3η ερώτηση: Τι ειναι ο πόλεμος;

4η ερώτηση: Τι ειναι η ζωή;

Αν το έκανες όντως... είμαι σίγουρος ότι έχεις κατσουφιάσει λίγο ....

Lord Of Light

Φτάσαμε στο ζουμί.. 

Εδώ ίσως να σηκώνει πολύ κουβέντα για το τι λέει το τραγούδι...

Ακόμα ενα μεταφυσικό θέμα...

Αναφέρεται στον Lucifer ( Διαολο; Σατανα; Εξαποδω; συ πες ) 

Κάποιοι αναφέρουν οτι το τραγούδι αναφέρεται στην πτώση του Εωσφόρου ( εως-ποιανου-φορου; )
και για το οτι ο καημένος ο Διαβολακος (που εβαλε την ουρα του παλι) είναι λίγο αδικημένος στα μάτια μας....


The Legacy

Ακόμα ενα ΕΠΟΣ στην φαρέτρα των Maiden...

Ακόμα ενα τραγούδι που μας υπενθυμίζει πως Θρησκεία + Φανατισμός = Πόλεμος

Ακομα ενα ενα

Ακομα ενα 1


Ακομα ενα Ακομα ενα...

Αυτό ηταν πανω κατω η κριτική ματιά μου για τον δίσκο...

Σου άρεσε δεν σου άρεσε...

μπορείς να αφήσεις κάποιο σχόλιο...

Παρακάτω σου παραθέτω βίνετο και στίχους για να μορφωθείς και να ανοίξεις το μυαλό σου λίγο παραπάνω ( για σενα τον ψευτοκουλτουριάρη λεω... )

( και για σενα που έχεις να λες για τους Maiden... get a life already... )

Αλλά πριν απο αυτό ... να παραθέσω 2-3 πράγματα  as tips

Tip #1  Το A Matter Of Life And Death είναι ο τέταρτος δίσκος των Maiden που δεν υπάρχει σαν τίτλος σε τραγούδι και ο τρίτος που δεν αναφέρεται έστω και σαν στίχος σε κάποιο απο αυτά ( τα τραγούδια)

Tip #2 Το These Colors Don't Run ( βλ. Dickinson ) το "λεμε" ( όπως και στο χωριό μου ) όταν κάτι δεν είναι διαπραγματεύσιμο...  

Tip #3 Ο Robert που αναφέρεται στο Brighter Than A Thousand Suns δεν είναι κανένας άλλος Robert απο αυτον που ειδες οταν πατησες στον πρωτο Robert...

N'joy ρε

Different Worlds

You lead me on the path
Keep showing me the way
I feel a little lost
A little strange today

I think I'll take a hold
Of whatever comes my way

Then we'll see what happens
Take it day by day

I thought I had it all
I had it all worked out
Just what my future held
That there would be no doubt

But then the card came up
And I took another turn
But I don't know if it's
Fulfillment that I yearn

Tell me what you can hear
And then tell me what you see
Everybody has a different way
To view the world

I would like you to know
When you see the simple things
To appreciate this life
It's not too late to learn

Don't want to be here
Somewhere I'd rather be
But when I get there
I might find it's not for me

Tell me what you can hear
And then tell me what you see
Everybody has a different way
To view the world

I would like you to know
When you see the simple things
To appreciate this life
It's not too late to learn

Tell me what you can hear
And then tell me what you see
Everybody has a different way

to view the world
I would like you to know
When you see the simple things
To appreciate this life
It's not too late to learn

Don't wanna be here
Somewhere I'd rather be
But when I get there
I might find it's not for me

Don't know what I want
Or where I want to be
I'm feeling more confused
The more the days go by

These Colors Don't Run

It's the same in every country
When you say you're leaving
Left behind the loved ones
Waiting silent in the hall

Where you're going lies adventure
Others only dream of
Red and green light this is real
And so you go to war

For the passion, for the glory
For the memories for the money
You're a soldier, for your country
What's the difference, all the same

Far away from the land of our birth
We fly a flag in some foreign earth
We sailed away like our fathers before

These colors don't run, from cold bloody war
There is no one that will save you
Going down in flames
No surrender certain death you
Look it in the eye
On the shores tyranny you
Crashed a human wave

Paying for my freedom with your
Lonely unmarked graves

For the passion, for the glory
For the memories for the money
You're a soldier, for your country
What's the difference, all the same

Far away from the land of our birth
We fly a flag in some foreign earth
We sailed away like our fathers before
These colors don't run, from cold bloody war

Brighter Than A Thousand Suns

We are not the sons of God
We are not his chosen people now
We have crossed the path he trod
We will feel the pain of his beginning

Shadow fingers rise above
Iron fingers stab the desert sky
Oh behold the power of the Earth.

Are your children ready for the fall?
Locking hands together well
Raze a city, build a living hell
Join the race to suicide
Listen for the tolling of the bell

Out of the the universe, a strange light is born
Unholy union, trinity reformed

Yellow sun it's evil twin
in the black the winds deliver him
We will sleep to souls within
At a siege a nuclear gust is riven

Out of the the universe, a strange light is born
Unholy union, trinity reformed

Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousand suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousand suns

Burying our morals and burying our dead
Burying our head in the sand
E equals MC squared, you can't relate

How we made God with our hands

Whatever would Robert have said to his God
About he made war with the Sun
E equals MC squared, you can't relate
How we made God with our hands

All nations are rising
Through acid bells of love and hate
Chain medals of Satan
Uncertainty led us all to this

All nations are raising
Through acid bells of love and hate
Confusion and Fury

This body carried em' down in vain
I was preaching of a small pray
In the bunker where we'll die
We're the executioners that lie
Bombers launched with no recall
Minute warning of the missile fall
Take a look at your last day

Guessing you won't have the time to cry

Out of the the universe, a strange light was born
Unholy union, trinity reformed

Out of the darkness
Out of the darkness
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousands suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousands suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousands suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousands suns
Out of the darkness, brighter than a thousands suns

Holy father we have sinned

The Pilgrim

The keys to death and hell
The ailing kingdom doomed to fail
The bonds of sin and heart will break
The pilgrims course will take

Quelling the devils might
And ready for eternal fight
Aching limbs and fainting soul
Holy battles take their toll

Liberty and hope divine
Changing the water into wine
So to you we bid farewell
Kingdom of heaven to hell

Spirit holy life eternal
Raise me up take me home
Pilgrim sunrise pagan sunset
Onward journey begun

To courage find and gracious will
Deliver good from ill
Clean the water clean our guilt
With us do what you will

Then will my judge appear
Bear no false angel that I hear
For only then I will confess
To my eternal hell

Now give us our holy sign
Changing the water into wine
So to you we bid farewell
Kingdom of heaven to hell

Spirit holy life eternal
Raise me up take me home
Pilgrim sunrise pagan sunset
Onward journey begun

Now give us our holy sign
Changing the water into wine
So to you we bid farewell
Kingdom of heaven to hell

Spirit holy life eternal
Raise me up take me home
Pilgrim sunrise pagan sunset
Onward journey begun

The Longest Day

In the gloom the gathering storm abates
In the ships gimlet eyes await
The call to arms to hammer at the gates
To blow them wide throw evil to its fate

All summers long the drills to build the machine
To turn men from flesh and blood to steel
From paper soldiers to bodies on the beach
From summer sands to Armageddon's reach

Overlord, your master not your god
The enemy coast dawning Grey with scud

These wretched souls puking, shaking fear
To take a bullet for those who sent them here

The world's alight, the cliffs erupt in flame
No escape, remorseless shrapnel rains
Drowning men no chance for a warrior's fate
A choking death enter hell's gate

Sliding we go, only fear on our side
To the edge of the wire,
And we rush with the tide

Oh the water is red,
With the blood of the dead

But I'm still alive, pray to God I survive

[Chorus x2:]
How long on this longest day
'Til we finally make it through
How long on this longest day
'Til we finally make it through

The rising dead, faces bloated torn
They are relieved, the living wait their turn

Your number's up, the bullet's got your name
You still go on, to hell and back again

Valhalla waits, valkyries rise and fall
The warrior tombs, lie open for us all
A ghostly hand reaches through the veil
Blood and sand, we will prevail

Sliding we go, only fear on our side
To the edge of the wire,
And we rush with the tide
Oh the water is red,
With the blood of the dead
But I'm still alive, pray to God I survive

Out On The Shadows

Hold a halo round the world
Golden is the day
Princes of the Universe,
Your burden is the way
So there is no better time,
Who will be born today
A gypsy child at the day break
A King for a day

Out of the Shadow and into the sun
Dreams of the past as the old ways are done
Oh there is beauty and surely there is pain
But we must endure it to live again

Dusty dreams in fading daylight
Flicker on the walls
Nothing new your life's adrift
What purpose to it all?
Eyes are closed and death is calling
Reaching out its hand
Call upon the starlight to surround you

Out of the Shadow and into the sun
Dreams of the past as the old ways are done
Oh there is beauty and surely there is pain
But we must endure it to live again

[Chorus x3]

A man who casts no shadow has no soul

The Reincarnation Of Benjamin Breeg

Let me tell you 'bout my life, 
Let me tell you 'bout my dreams, 
Let me tell you 'bout the thing that happen, all is real to me. 
Let me tell you of my hope, of my need to reach the sky, 
Let me take you on an awkward journey, let me tell you why. 
Let me tell you why 

Why should these curses be laid upon me, 
I won't be forgiven 'til I can break free, 
What did I do to deserve all this guilt, 
Pay for my sins, for the sale of my soul. 

Demons are trapped all inside my head, 
My hopes of god, reach for heaven from hell, 
My sins are many, my guilt is too heavy, 
The question of knowing of how then what I know? 

I'm able to see things, things that I don't wanna see, 
The lies of a thousand souls weigh heavy down on me 

I know they're crying for help reaching out 
The burden of them will take me down as well 
The sin of a tohusand souls knocked out in vain 
Reincarnation of me live again 

Someone to save me, 
Something to save me from myself 
To bring salvation 
To exorcise this hell 
Someone to save me, 
Something to save me from myself 
To bring Salvation 
To exorcise this hell 

Someone to save me 
Something to save me from my hell 
Our destination away from this nightmare 
Someone to save me 
Something to save me from myself 
To bring salvation 
To exorcise this hell

For The Greater Good Of God

Are you a man of peace
Or a man of holy war

Too many sides to you
Don't know which anymore

So many full of life
But also filled with pain
Don't know just how many
Will live to breathe again

A life that's made to breathe
Destruction or defense
A mind that's vain corruption
Bad or good intent

A wolf in sheep's clothing
Or saintly or sinner
Or some that would believe
A holy war winner

They fire off many shots
And many parting blows

Their actions beyond a reasoning
Only God would know

And as he lies in heaven
Or it could be in hell
I feel he's somewhere here
Or looking from below
But I don't know, I don't know

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

More pain and misery in the history of mankind
Sometimes it seems more like
The blind leading the blind
It brings upon us more famine, death and war
You know religion has a lot to answer for

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

And as they search to find the bodies in the sand
They find its ashes that are
Scattered across the land
And as the spirits seem to whistle on the wind
A shot is fired somewhere another war begins

And all because of it you'd think
That we would learn
But still the body count the city fires burn

Somewhere there's someone dying
In a foreign land

Meanwhile the world is crying stupidity of man
Tell me why, tell me why

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

For the greater good of God (x8)

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

Please tell me now what life is
Please tell me now what love is
Well tell me now what war is
Again tell me what life is

For the greater good of God (x8)

He gave his life for us
He fell upon the cross
To die for all of those
Who never mourn his loss
It wasn't meant for us
To feel the pain again
Tell me why, tell me why

Lord Of Light

There are secrets that you keep
There are secrets that you keep
There are secrets that you tell to me alone
I can't reach things I can't see
You don't see this strange world
Quite the same as me
Don't deny me what I am
Nothing hidden still you fail to see the truth
These are things you can't reveal

These are things you can't reveal

We are part of some strange plan
Why the slaughter of the brotherhood of man
Infernal sacrifice of hell
Fire breathing lead the way
Mounds of bodies as they all burn into one
Revenge is living in the past
Time to look into a new millennium

Spiral path leads through the maze
Down into the fiery underworld below
Fire breathing lead the way
Lucifer was just an angel led astray

[Chorus x2:]
Free your soul and let it fly
Give your life to the Lord of Light
Keep your secrets and rain on me
All I see are mysteries

We are not worthy in your black
And blazing eyes
We gather demons in the mirror every day
The bridge of darkness casts a
Shadow on us all
And all our sins to you we give this day

Others wait their turn
Their lives were meant to last
Use yours wisely as the light is fading fast
Free your soul and let it fly
Mine was caught I couldn't try
Time returns again to punish all of us

We are cast out by our bloody father's hand
We are strangers in this lonely promised land
We are the shadows of the one unholy ghost
In our nightmare world the only one we trust

The Legacy

Tell you a thing
That you ought to know
Two minutes of your time
Then on you go

Tell tale of the men
All dressed in black
That most of them
Not coming back

Sent off to the war
To play little games
And on their return
Can't name no names

Some strange yellow gas
Has played with their minds
Has reddened their eyes
Removed all the lies

And strange as it sounds
Death knows no bounds
How many get well
Only time will tell
Only time will tell

You lie in your death bed now
But what did you bring to the table
Brought us only holy sin
Utter trust is a deadly thing

To the prayer of holy peace
We didn't know what was lying underneath

So how could we be such fools
And to think that we thought you the answer

I can't begin to understand in all the lies
But on your death bed I can see it in you eyes
Just as clear as all the sweat upon your brow
It really makes sense I can see it clearly now

Tangled up in a web of lies
Could have been a way to prophesise
Unaware of the consequence
Not aware of the secrets that you kept

Nothing that we could believe
To reveal the facade of faceless men
Not a thing that we could foresee
Now a sign that would tell us the outcome

You had us all strung out with
Promises of peace
But all along you cover plan was to deceive
Can it put to rights now only time will tell

Your prophecies will send us all to hell as well

Left to all our golden sons
All to pick up on the peace
You could have given all of them
A little chance, at least

Take the world to a better place
Given them all just a little hope
Just think what a legacy
You know, will leave

We seem destined to live in fear
And some that would say Armageddon is near
But where there's a life while there's hope
That man won't self destruct

Why can't we treat our fellow men
With more respect and a shake of their hands

But anger and loathing is rife
The death on all sides is
Becoming a way of life

We live in an uncertain world
Fear understanding and ignorance
Is leading to death
Only the corpses are left
For vultures that prey on their bones

But some are just not wanting peace
Their whole life is death and misery

The only thing that they know
Fight fire with fire life is cheap

But if they do stop to think
That man is teetering right on the brink
But do you think that they care
They benefit from death and pain and despair

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